About Me


Friday, February 24, 2012

Proud of my hubby

My husband may do things that aggravate me but I am so proud of home right now. He is almost done with the seat that he is fixing for a 57 Chevy. It looks really good. I am excited for him to be done. I know that he would like to one day do this as his full time job and I hope that he is able to realize his dream one day.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Right now there is not much going on. My youngest slept in a big girl bed the other night all by herself which really should've happened much sooner considering how old she is. I can't wait until I can get her bed set up so that she can do that every night.

My oldest will be ready to start kindergarten in the fall and I am so not ready for that. I want to be able to continue teaching her at home but every time I ask my husband he always answers that he doesn't know what he wants to do.

I am seriously thinking that I would like to have another baby but still no answer from the other half on that really he wants to get his upholstery business started before we do but who knows.

I am so ready for spring and warmer nights this winter has been really warm compared to the last few winters but at night it still gets too cold.

I have learned one benefit to doodle bear markers is that they are really easy to wash off.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Squirrel

The Squirrel

A brown ball of fur born innocently in this world
Grows a little more every day
Soon he's old enough to be on his own
He climbs out of his hole and......
Goes straight up the acorn tree
He wants to accomplish his life's goal
To win a single acorn from the tree

 Higher and higher he goes
Without a single fear
Finally he reaches the acorn
Takes one paw off cautiously
Then takes the other
He reaches as far as he can
A gust of wind blows
He starts to wobble
Loses his balance
He reached it he gripped the acorn
Between two paws
He hears a snap the acorn starts to fall
The acorn and squirrel fall together
Both hit the ground with a thud
The acorn lives and makes a tree
For the memory of the squirrel
Who lost his life to save me.

The Acorn Tree

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


My youngest is now pulling up on furniture now and walking while holding on to it. She has been doing that since the middle of April at least. She just looks so cute doing that. She is still in 0-3 months clothes, so she is really petite. She just looks too little to be trying to walk yet. She got her first tooth on May 1st. It makes me sad. I love their toothless grins when they are babies they are just too cute. I am not ready for her to grow up.

I am trying to convince my husband now that we should home school Allison. The school that she will go to when she turns five has scored an F the last two years on the state exams. I also worry about the way they are running the schools in our area now. A friend of mine has a son in kindergarten in the same county and I don't like what they require. They do not get a nap time, they basically have to know the alphabet, how to write their first and last name in full, they have to know their home address, their home phone number, their colors, shapes, and how to read a little bit before they can start kindergarten. I know that in January they were doing addition and subtraction, locating the states by their shape, and identifying coins on black and white printouts. I know it sounds really good but they do not have the time they need to play and be kids in the public schools in this area. Kids that young need the unstructured play time to pretend, learn how to solve problems, and work with others. I have even seen articles where employers are talking about the problems they have with employees not being able to work well because of being overly structured when they were kids.

Breastfeeding Sidney is still going good. I look forward some days to the one year mark and some days I don't. I will miss the time I get to spend holding her when she is eating. It feels weird now that my milk levels have evened out. I don't feel the tingling feeling during the let down any more and they don't feel full anymore. It was much easier to tell that she was getting milk then. Now I feel empty all the time. I am still not used to it yet. It does feel good to not have to wear nursing pads all the time, but I guess having to wear them had its benefits. I also miss not being able to pump as much as I used to. It really came in handy. The best advice I can give to anyone that is breastfeeding is during those first few weeks to pump every chance that you get because then you will have enough to be able to go out for a night without the baby and not have to worry about not having enough milk stored up. That's the main regret I have this time around.
Saturday, March 20, 2010

She is Moving

Sidney started crawling on Wednesday 10 March. She woke up Terry that morning by crawling over to Terry and waking him up by sticking her pacifier to his nose. I found it amusing, Terry did not. That afternoon we went to Danielle's and I put her down in the floor and she crawled by scooting on her getting up on all fours and falling after one step. She did this until she made it to where she wanted to go. By this week though she is crawling on all fours and not scooting on her belly unless she feels like it.
I started Sidney on solid foods on the Friday before she started crawling. It was only one meal a day of rice cereal mixed with my milk. She is now on three meals a day and on the 11th I started her on green beans for three days, followed by three days of butternut squash, and we have been doing carrots for two days. She has also had some grape juice in her sippy. I started using her sippy when I was giving her cereal. She was mainly just chewing on it when she started but by the 14th she was drinking out of it really well and not just letting the water run down her chin.
I am so not ready for her to be on solid foods. I miss her old non-stinky dirty diapers. Now they sometimes smell worse than Allison's and are the same color as the food was when it went in. Basically just gross. The first time I fed her green beans was the day after she started crawling and between every bite she would just start buzzing her lips like you would do when giving someone a raspberry or playing the trumpet, that and the way she would wrinkle up her face was hilarious. She really likes carrots and squash though. She gets really excited now when I walk back into the room with her bowl of food.
I am enjoying the breastfeeding. I know people think that its a lot of work, but now it's really not. In the beginning it was because it felt like that was all that I was doing all the time. It was every two hours. The hard part was getting started. For the first couple of days she was having a hard time staying attached. I know the hardest thing for me was refusing to give her a bottle. The first day we brought her home she slept from 5:30 in the morning until three in the afternoon. She didn't want to wake up. We tried everything, the cold washcloth, changing her diaper, making her naked. Nothing worked. I was worried because she wasn't eating so I pumped her some milk and put it into a medicine syringe and fed her that way and she didn't really stay awake for that. That night we went to Chrissy and Joey's so they could see her for the first time and she woke up around 7 and she latched on really well for the first time. I was so excited so after she was done I told Chrissy and Terry. She understood though because she breastfed too. I then called Danielle when we were on our way home and told her too. After those first couple of days my milk came in and when it did I was overflowing it felt like. I had to change both pads at every feeding and sometimes I would have to put multiple pads on the side I wasn't nursing on to stay dry. I hated it. I had to carry tons of pads with me. I used the Avent brand which are pretty thick and for the first few weeks I was going through 150 pads a week. Then once she was about 8 weeks old or so it dropped down to about 100 pads a week. So I had to carry with me all the diapers I needed for Sidney and Allison, baby wipes, a towel to place under Sidney's chin to catch the leaky milk, pads, breast pads, pacifiers, diaper rash cream,blankets for Sidney, nursing cover, and all the stuff I carried in my purse. I felt like I was packing to go on a trip every time I left the house. Now I am down to diapers for Sidney and Allison, my nursing cover, and baby wipes. It feels a whole lot different. I don't have to worry about what I forgot at the house as much now that I don't use as much out of the diaper bag as I used to. I don't leak any more either so I don't have to carry the breast pads at all. It feels so much better.
Allison has gone since Friday maybe having one accident a day in her pull up. Which is awesome. She is even making an effort to make it to the potty to poop. I can't wait until she is in underwear all the time. She had her first bike wreck yesterday. She was riding the bicycle she got when she turned one down the ramp at our back door and she landed between the post at the end of the ramp and the shovel that was about a foot away. She was okay though she scraped one elbow pretty good. Terry called it road rash. Everything else was just the little red scratches on her skin. Nothing major. She is really enjoying it being warm enough to be outside without a coat. She still thinks she needs one though before she goes outside and I tell her "No it's warm enough that you don't need a coat." She says, "Why?" I say,"Because it is." She says,"Why?" I say," Because it just is." She says,"Why?" and this can go on for forever before I get her convinced to go out the door. I think it's really funny and cute. It can get aggravating at times though. I keep thinking to myself that one day she will be a teenager and she won't be this way then. I know there will come a day when I will miss Dora the Explorer, The Wonderpets, and The VeggieTales.
I really dread going back to school in the fall, I wish I could just stay home with them and not have to worry about it. I wish we had enough money that we could afford the bills that we have and be able to buy a bigger house that I had always dreamed of having when I had kids. One day it will happen. I will trust God and even if it doesn't it will be okay, I am hoping that I will have learned to love the house I am in now as small as it is, but a bathtub and closets would be nice.

Monday, February 1, 2010
We spent the weekend at Chrissy and Joey's house because of the snow. Terry left us there Friday before he went to work and he got off at seven. I like staying over there because I have someone my age to talk to. I get tired of being by myself every day. I hate Terry working second shift because he normally works from 3 to 11:30 Monday through Friday. I get tired of Allison whining for her daddy every night at bedtime. I don't really hate that she does that, but I do wish he was at home so she wouldn't cry for him. I am hoping that one day he gets a job where he works first shift.
Allison enjoys being over there with Damon, Chase, Bradley, and Alex. She enjoys having someone to play with all the time. I know she hates being at home with just Mommy and Sidney all the time. Mommy and Sidney are not very good playmates.
Sidney is getting to where she is staying awake more and playing more, which Allison loves in small increments. She tries to get Sid to play with her some, but Sid is not always compliant. Over the weekend Sid started playing in her playpen for long periods of time by herself. It was awesome. It is getting harder for me to hold her all the time.
I need to start working on getting the house organized so that I have some more room for her and Allison to play. The house is driving me nuts. I can't wait for the day it is completely clean, but I dread the work that it is going to take to do that.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
It's hard to believe how big Sidney is getting, she is almost able to sit up by herself and she is trying to scoot herself around. She can move quite well on her back. She arches her back and pushes with her feet to get where she wants to go. She is staying awake more during the day now. I am not used to that. I miss my little newborn who would sleep lots. I am not sure if I am ready for two running around all day long.
Allison stayed the night with Grandma tonight. I was happy to be allowed that little break. My parents fuss because she stays away from home so much. I think it's good for her though. I think it will help when she is older in adjusting to staying away from home. Maybe she won't panic as much as others do. I am ready for her to get over her cold. It started last Monday and she still has a runny nose. I was thinking about how much she has changed in the last few months and I realized that she has already replaced "meemo" with Elmo. She started calling him that when she was around 18 months old and she stopped calling him that about three months ago I guess. I just now realized it though. She also is still announcing wherever we go that "Sidney is here." It doesn't matter if they know that or not she still tells them and she will also tell them if she is awake or asleep. I think it's really cute. I hope she still feels the same way about her when she is older. I hope my girls have a friendship with their sister that I never had with mine.